tirsdag, desember 05, 2006

Huff, huff

Today something BAD happend... The team was in Whitton High street, for lunch. And just when we were hedding back for our bible study, this happend. I was looking through a window, at some mickey mouse stuff and accidently bumped into a tree. (AU) It hurt a bit but I was okey after 2min. After that I realised that my cell was in the same pocket as the side that hit the tree. So here you can see, the status of my cell for the moment... not good...

The funny thing is(well not so funny), is that the phone is still working. But I can't see a thing. So reciving texts arent that funny... huff huff...And a very sad thing is that I probely lost all my texts and pictures... Please let me know if anyone knows how I can manage to copy everything to my sim card... I want a new phone for Christmas..

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